Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sach Ka Saamna?

So its Sach ka Samna these days, that’s keeping the 24x7 News channels in business these days. Opinions? Galore! Most of us …the ‘liberal’ ones say… Its their life..If they want to say the truth and ruin it…let them! You have a problem?? Switch the channel!
Ah..yes! I agree… but that brings me to something that I want to discuss. The MPs who we all know have major issues to handle and take care of…think it to be right to devote that time to a TV show. And ya.. Lets not forget the case that was filed, When there are innumerous cases pending in Indian Courts.

Which brings me to my question, what makes these politicians choose Sach ka Saamna over glaring issues like Poverty, Foreign Relations, Commonwealth Games etc etc. Well, the answer is: Raise the popular issue and you get eyeballs..And you find people talking about you. Some may support you too. But the minute you talk about things like Poor people, free food…..etc etc.. it all becomes blah blah to a persons ear.
Lets face it. Everyone wants their 15 seconds of fame. And Sach ka Saamna is providing that to the contestants (alongwith money), to the channel and everyone associated. Also to the MPs and who ever is crying over it.

My personal opinion? Well, here is a show that finally puts the Indian Hypocrisy right in front, in open. We see the regular housewives, cricketers, TV stars telling the ‘truth’… And this shows tells us that whatever we would do is actually what others would do too in a similar situation. Difference? Just that, its hidden well behind a mask put up for ‘society’. The same reason people know us differently than what we actually are. Samples? Look on…

A housewife said she felt like killing her husband at a point of time. (he was alcoholic/beat her etc) Her yes brought a lot of shock from the audience. But when a certain Aishwarya Rai kills her husband in Provoked, it was expected/desired by the same audience, which by the way is again inspired by a true story.

Movies like Kambhaqt Ishq, openly talking about what a man wants (just 1 thing: yeah you guessed it) go on to become a superhit with a U/A certificate from Censor Board but when a contestant answers that he had imagined someone else while being intimate with his wife..all hell break lose! So, here is the crux, till the time it is parosofied as fiction: its fine for everyone. But just when you are told its reality too…the hypocrite stomachs start churning.

A wife said she would not mind physical relationship with another man if her husband doesn’t come to know. Her Reply: No. This was detected as a lie in the show. The husbands face fell and noone could have missed that.
That brings me to another fallacy of the relationships today. Her husband undoubtedly will always carry the impression that his wife would cheat on him if she finds a chance. This irrespective of the fact that Lie detector is not reliable, a reason why it is not used as an evidence in court. Also, what is troubling is, all the years this lady spent in nurturing her family is down the drain. I can bet you 100 thousand she would listen to this taunt everytime there is a tiff in the house! Which is sad because it shows a mirror to the strength of the relationship.

But then you might say its human tendency. Yes it is. But human tendencies are overcome if something precious is at stake. Ask a guy who sees a hot girl in a disc and doesn’t make a move because he loves his GF. Or, the teetotaler friend who wouldn’t take a sip in a booze party because of a promise she made to someone she loves! And, That’s my point. Is a relationship is strong, it stays and understands that a Lie detector is just a physiological parameters testing machine, which is 100 times more prone to error than a human being!

So, to all my friends who have a problem with Sacch ka Saamna:Go ahead and look within. Find the fears which trouble you when Rajeev asks a question to a contestant and you will find out what is lacking in your life… YOU and what was it, you never wanted to admit because life is so much easier otherwise! Face them and fight them and you might just be looking at a person who has cleared his agneepariksha and came out shining!!


  1. Oh god!!! I cant believe that i am responding to a blog on Sach ka Samna!!!!! The reason being that I considered this show a family destroyer and a strong contender to top the all time list of TRP ratings!!!! To be honest there are still 2 sections in society, one who feels that this show is a money teaser and the other who thinks that its a family destroyer. Both sections are right in their own ways. But the makers of the show have just one thing to say. IF YOU CAN SPEAK THE TRUTH IN FRONT OF A BILLION PEOPLE, YOU CAN ALSO DO THE SAME IN YOUR PERSONAL LIVES. which i think is fair enough. No one is tying you up and dragging you to the show to speak the truth. Its one's own personal decision. He/she has to decide for theirselves whether going for it would be the right move for him/her to earn a few quick bucks thereby avoiding any repercussions at home. Having said that, i still would like to maintain a neutral stand here because considering the mentality of indian families, its going to be difficult to maintain peace at home if a few things come out in the open.

    Now I have a very strong view about politicians commenting on the show. I have a ground rule for politicians. Work less, uneducate yourself and your welcome into the parliament. There are millions and millions of issues that have not been addressed to till date. But this revolt was the best way they found to raise a few eyebrows. Yes i agree that today we do have educated and ethical politicians like p chidambaram, praful patel etc. who are trying to steady the ship. but the fact still remains that over 70% of our politicians need to start from scratch and need to understand what this country really needs.

    The indian society and its leaders are moving ahead is a myth!!!! Its time we accept this!!

  2. Hi.. I agree to whatever you said. Just to add on.. As you said: the show doesnt drag someone to sit on the hot seat and participants are asked all the questions before hand, so there is NO question of this show being responsible for whatever happens in the participants family after he/she answers the questions! Its the participants decision! Coz he could have safely decided to jus be the audience here. but no, he participates (I am not concerned abt the reason: it could be money or just the sheer thrill of it or may be, to vent out his feelings).. So then, I guess it is not fair to blame the program for anything. They have a fair design..
    As far as Indian families are concerned: High time to sit back and think about all the relations you are maintaining...(There are glaaring truths we avoid to acknowledge coz life is simpler without that!) and Trust me, you will find the answers in the show aren't so shocking after all!
