Thursday, August 6, 2009

Out Of the Closet!

So the Delhi High Court has given its judgment on Section 377.. yeah an old news. We saw celebrations and joy when SC refused to stay the ruling. The LGBT community can take a sigh of relief…And I just mean a brief small ‘sigh’. Coz with the judgement follows a series of never ending arguments against it. They wanted to be ‘out-of-closet’…Well guys, you are now in the limelight! The thing is…there isn’t anything good about it. Going by the reactions from our religious leaders and the moral police and the ‘conservative’ society (whose only job I guess is to poke their noses in everyone’s business!) , it just seems like a beginning of a long struggle for non-discriminative attitude from the Indian Society.
I have a friend.. he is gay. Only I know of it. (I was not supposed to.. I just bumped into the truth! Pun intended J ) The thing is.. He is not even comfortable in sharing this with his friends.. He thinks though they might not have a problem with it, but if this leaks out and his family comes to know of it, he wouldn’t be able to face them!
Which brings me to the point of discussion: the mental stress due to the Stigma, prejudice… these people must be living in. And honestly, My heart goes out to them. They are damned if they are ‘out-of-the-closet’ and damned ‘if-they-are-in-it’! No wonder, since ages, people did not reveal their sexual inclinations for the fear of society and peers rejection and disdain. Now, in times of Dostana (which by the way did not do any good for LGBT: my opinion again. All the gays were just caricatures..which is so not true.) and Stand up comedies, this is no more an ‘in-the-closet’ issue but all its used for is a few hearty laughs! Which just shows that our society still looks down on these things and acknowledges this only if a demeaning jokes comes out of it.
What our leaders and ‘society’ (whatever constitutes that??) need to know is NORMAL. It might take an effort to drill it in their heads though, but I guess if you put the facts across, their grounds of holding it as a ‘mental disorder’ will become shaky enough to collapse. I will tell you the things I get to hear whenever this topic is up for discussion:
It’s a modern thing. The youth needs something odd to do to get noticed!
I say: PREPOSTEROUS! Modern..did you say??? Well.. The first recorded homosexual couple in history is commonly regarded as Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, an Egyptian male couple, who lived around the 2400 BCE. There is a painting showing them in a nose-kissing position, the most intimate pose in Egyptian art. There are many more examples..refer to Wikipedia J The truth is, same-sex love has been referred to since the earliest recorded history.. Digest it!
2. The most common: Its not Normal! Its just one of the twisted outcomes of over functioning human brain!
I say: Just read a bit guys..and when you do: Please register the facts in you head! Not everything is concocted by the ‘twisted’ minds.. Homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms. Now They don’t happen to have ‘twisted minds’ do they?? Animals just follow their Natural Instincts which help them hunt and fill their stomachs and copulate. So.. This behaviour just cannot be a ‘twisted’ story.
3. The religious leaders claiming to have cured the ‘disease’: Ahem Ahem: Are you not supposed to be ‘brahmachari’?? And if you indeed have lived up to that, you should not be having an idea about sexual behaviors/inclinations. Its not your turf Babas.. So just leave it to the people who enjoy it and don’t want to lie about it! And as for those you claim to have cured.. Ever occurred to you they could have just lied to escape the mental torture of being cured from a disease which is not a disease at all!

You know.. the list can go and on.. But the underlying point is till the point it is consensual between two adults, who are you and me to raise eyebrows! What people do in their bedrooms is strictly their business. Not any Baba’s, or any MP’s and certainly not ‘society’s’ (what is that again??) So, lets just try and leave them alone and not judge them on their sex lives. And if you just cant help not poking your noses into other people business…Focus on Sex crimes: Sodomy, Rapes... Raise these issues.. Safety of womean and children. Focus on spreading awareness against STDs. Try to get involved with the Sex Education programmes. Raise a protest against those who are against Sex Education in Schools. Channelize your energies for the right issues and you may help in building a better society!
P.S. Leave these guys alone.. Just imagine if you had the whole world discussing what you do with your partner in Bed is right/wrong/unnatural/abnormal……..
Did you say… Disgusting?? Exactly My point!


  1. The LGBT community has a firm standing in society today, thanks to article 377 being legalized. Just the other day, I was watching a debate on NDTV on the legalization of this Act. And there were so many people in the debate speaking against it. Thats when one of the dignitaries threw an ace which left people dumbstruck. The question was very simple. Of those who have spoken against this, how many of you have actually read the article legalized by the supreme court??? Mouths shut!!! pin drop silence in the auditorium!!!! They say a little learning is a dangerous thing and this is so true in this case. People have taken to the streets revolting against it and rebuking the LGBT community without realising that they know nothing about the act. Just the other day someone said that if you legalise this Act, you can even legalise prostitution in the country. *&$%^#@# thats all that i can say for that soul. (Havent used certain terminologies to keep this blog as clean as possible:-))Oh come on man, get a life, wake up!! how can you even compare the two. People have these inbuilt notions in their minds which they will never move from. So to those who want to stick by their notions and ideologies, good for you. But for those of you who think that the SC has done something constructive for once, pat yourselves on the back.

    This section of society has been in the wilderness for so many years. Its time that they get their due share of status and respect. Yes it might take some time for some of us to change our demeanour. Yes it might take some time for some us to stop reacting the way we do when we see a transgender begging at traffic signals. But better late than never. The day we start treating them as a part of our society with no apprehensions whatsoever, the world will be a better place for you and for me. (yup!!!, thats stolen from michael jacksons treasure:-))

  2. I agree with you.. People make a lot of hue and cry without actually knowing what they are talking about!
    As they say in hindi-'thotho chana baje ghana'

  3. Firstly dear enigma its 'thotha' not 'thotho'.. (You thought u could get away with it thanking your international hindily-challenged reader’s??)
    And as for the real point here I so agree with you guys…I feel like kicking these people’s ass for poking their idle noses into somebody else’s business and taking pleasure in making other people’s lives miserable…even if they are not aware of the part that this is perfectly normal and natural why should this thing bother them in the first place as it has got nothing to do with them (because if it had, then they would have been for it)?And if you ask them that how does it concern them if two people of the same sexes decide to live together in their OWN house with their OWN money..They give you a very satisfying answer that this is ‘against our culture’…’satisfying’ because you are satisfied that ur judgement before about them was just so right…they are certified nuts….
    Against our culture? Can you please put it in simpler words for a slow processing-minds like mine? Does it mean that loving someone is against our culture? Or that love someone only when you have made sure that he or she has the right kind of anatomy for love? Wait…Is not
    THIS against our culture ,the whole-objectifying-humans thing?. And as for regarding them as mentally-retarded why don’t you leave the job of that on someone who has slogged psychology for he knows better…( but with better implying that you had had at least some ‘good’ knowledge on the topic before, let me make the correction)..lets just say he ‘knows’…else I will also have all the reasons to call those people mentally-sick or rather sadistic psychopaths who pledge not to be at peace unless they have wretched lives of innocent people …
    Please live and let live…if you have all the time in the world why not use it constructively…

    And lastly,I picture these people holding big big boards in their hands with no clothes on body and hair coloured fluorescent green with pierced eyes and nose and tongue…and the boards read “NOTICE ME, PLEASE SOMEONE NOTICE ME”..(Please don’t go to such bizarre extents for getting yourselves noticed)….

  4. Sorry for the typing error. But be rest assured, My hindi still stands on a firm ground. Its in the genes :)
    As for your comments, BINGO! you just said it the way it should have been! Esp the culture thing...well the Anatomy remark is a Yuvraj's clean hit outside the ground!
    just makes me wonder, if only ppl stop poking their noses around, world would actually be a better place to live in!
    Cheers to us!
